Lemon, Candy, Motorcycle, Battery / 2023
「レモンキャンディー」~Lemon candy~
「10個のエネルギー発生装置」~10 Energy generator~
~Concept model of a motorcycle powered by lemon energy~
いま世界には、レモンの電力を示す単位はない。そこで、新たな単位を考えてみる。レモン電池の出力は約0.7ボルト。表記記号は”Lemon Energy”頭文字をとって「LE」としよう。「0.7ボルト=1LE」である。日本の一般家庭用電源の電圧100ボルトは”約142.85LE”と示すことができる。100W単結晶のソーラーパネルであれば、最大動作値で”25LE”である。電動バイク用のモバイルバッテリーは48ボルト=68.5LEである。69個のレモンは人を乗せたバイクを動かす。
「エネルギーを可視化するための実験的装置」~Experimental apparatus for visualizing energy~
人は 今から50万年前から焚き火を使っていた。暖かく、光を放つ火は照明の役割を果たし、また神聖な物であった。野獣から身を守る為にも人は火を焚いた。火や光は、触れることはできなかったが、ずっと人類のそばにあった。
「絵画と光の関係についてのまとめ」~A study of the relationship between paintings and light~
参考:「原子力産業界の現状 2021年4月14日 (一社)日本原子力産業協会」資料
(2)原子力関係売上高 原子力発電に係わる産業動向調査 2020(原産協会)資料
(3)平成30年原子力小委電事連 資料
"Lemon, Candy, Motorcycle, Battery" / 2023
This exhibition focuses on the lemon as a symbol of "the choice that could have been" that is no longer an option for people in the society in which we live. From the time we are born, we naturally receive electric energy in our daily lives. However, electrical energy is generated by someone somewhere. How can we relate to various types of "energy" such as electricity? Does it depend on the method of generation?
The German writer Joseph Beuys has taken up the lemon battery as a symbol of the better world we are striving for in the future. Perhaps through the lemon battery, we can build a more equal relationship with energy. This exhibition begins with such a vague idea.
Electricity has played an important role in society, civilization, and art. Electricity is an essential part of modern society. Without electricity, many areas would be stagnant, including home and office life, industry and transportation, medicine and education, and information and communications. Electricity, as an infrastructure that supports the functioning of society, makes our lives more comfortable and affluent. And its benefits are more strongly enjoyed in urban areas. Electric energy has made people happier.
In the United States, lemon is slang for "defective" or "clunker.
The meaning of giving lemon candy on White Day is to convey "true love.
Deep-sea fish whose eyes are burned by electricity dream. The world is full of lemon energy.
"Lemon candy"
When I entered the gallery to see the exhibition, I was handed a lemon candy. The idea was to lick it while looking at the exhibition. Taste is connected to memory. Licking the candy brought back memories of my lemon battery experiments in elementary school. I stuck a zinc plate and a copper plate into a lemon. Then electricity is generated. The lemon battery is the magic that powers electronic devices through the energy hidden inside a small lemon. Its simple design reminds us of the connection between society and the earth.
"10 Energy generators"
Before the Great East Japan Earthquake, there were 54 nuclear power plants in Japan, and around 30% of the electricity used in Japan was supplied by nuclear power. However, more than 11 years after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, only 10 nuclear power plants are still in operation. In the United States, lemon is slang for "defective" or "clunker. For lemons. Since its sourness is not apparent from its appearance, it is said to mean "a defective product whose defects are not apparent until you try to eat it.
What is the difference between the electricity produced by lemons and that produced by nuclear power plants? If there is a difference, what is it? What if, hypothetically, all the electricity in the world were provided by lemon batteries? It could be truly free energy, not driven by political issues. That sounds like a great idea.
"Concept model of a motorcycle powered by lemon energy"
The "horsepower" is a unit of measurement of momentum. It started when James Watt used the work done by a load of horses as a standard to show the capacity of a steam engine.
Today, there is no unit of lemon power in the world. So, let us consider a new unit. The output of a lemon battery is about 0.7 volts. Let's use "Lemon Energy" as the notation symbol, and call it "LE. 0.7 volts = 1 LE. The voltage of a typical Japanese household power supply of 100 volts can be expressed as "about 142.85 LE"; a 100W monocrystalline solar panel has a maximum operating value of "25 LE". A mobile battery for an electric bike is 48 volts = 68.5 LE.
69 lemons will power a motorcycle carrying a person.
Electricity is regarded as one of the fundamental technologies of modern civilization. The use of electricity has freed mankind from darkness and loneliness and enabled communication that transcends time and place. The development of information and communication technologies through electricity has drastically changed people's lives, and automation and efficiency have increased labor productivity in many industries, leading to industrial development. Electricity has revolutionized society, civilization, and human sentiments since the Industrial Revolution.
We use electricity. We can no longer go back 500,000 years.
There, a dry, cold wind blows. Vacant lands spread out in disorder and withered rice fields spread out before our eyes. This place, which is no longer inhabited, lacks many things. You can't walk on the dirt in freshly unloaded Nike sneakers. Without people, society cannot move forward. This is a "neighboring village" of a town that prospered from a national nuclear power project. In the past, this village also benefited from the project. Nowadays, we spend our days in midwinter dreading power outages.
The bright colors and fresh aroma of lemons refresh our minds and energize us to come up with new ideas. Lemon batteries give us energy and creativity, potentially opening the door to new discoveries and adventures.
The world's annual production of lemons is approximately 17.38 million tons.
Assuming that one lemon weighs 75 grams, this means that 231.7 billion lemons are produced every year.
The average output of a nuclear power plant in Japan is about 3.5 million kilowatts. To generate the same amount of electricity from a lemon battery as from one nuclear power plant, about 5 trillion lemons would be needed.
"Experimental apparatus for visualizing energy"
People have been using campfires since 500,000 years ago. The warmth and light of a fire served as illumination and was sacred. People also built fires to protect themselves from wild beasts. Fire and light have always been close to mankind, although they could not be touched.
Around 1810, the gas lamp, brighter than fire, was invented. 1882. In 1882, Japan's first electric light (arc lamp) was installed in Ginza, Tokyo. In 1870, the first practical electric generator was developed in Belgium, and electricity spread rapidly throughout the world. In 1996, the white LED was invented, in which electricity passed through a semiconductor is converted directly into light. People now have more efficient access to light. For a long time, the village was off limits to people. Even now that the ban has been lifted, few people return to the village. The streetlights have been replaced by LEDs with subsidies. Houses whose owners have disappeared remain abandoned. The dormitory where the workers live is brand new and emits LED light. At night, LED streetlights turn on. Electricity illuminates the area. Electricity cannot be picked up as it is. The same is true of light. It is everywhere, but we cannot touch it. Too much light or heat burns the nerves in the eyes.
Villagers always clean the houses that remain in the village. They believe that one day their children, grandchildren, and descendants will return here. They believe that their energy will become light and reach them.
We cannot hold the light in our hands, but we will try to paint the light bulbs yellow so that we can catch the light.
"A study of the relationship between paintings and light"
Light and art have long had a close relationship. Light is an important element in all art forms, including painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, and performing arts.
First, light determines the color tones, lightness, darkness, and shading of a work of art. Color tones are determined by the wavelength, reflection, and absorption of light. Lightness, darkness, and shading depend on the angle and intensity of the light from the light source. In painting and sculpture, the angle and intensity of light expresses the shape and texture of an object. In architecture, the angle and intensity of light expresses space and three-dimensionality. Light is also used for lighting and staging works of art. In performing arts and movies, the angle and intensity of light expresses the atmosphere and impression of a scene. Changes in time and space are also expressed through changes in light.
Furthermore, with the development of technology that allows for the free manipulation of electricity, works of art in which light plays a leading role have been created. Examples include light sculptures that utilize reflections and refractions of light, and light installations using LED lights. Artist Dan Flavin has been working with fluorescent light since 1961, when he exhibited "Ikon" (1961), a series of industrial light bulbs mounted in the frames of monochrome paintings. James Turrell has developed his work with light-perception. Bruce Nauman, Tatsuo Miyajima, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Team Lab, and many other artists have created works using light via electricity. Light is an important element in art. Similarly, electricity plays a major role in the expressiveness and impression of works of art.
In 1985, German master Joseph Beuys inserted sockets with light bulbs into lemons in order to obtain the energy to emit yellow light. More than 200 of them were used. This act signified a fusion of art, nature, and science, and he believed that the new energy thus obtained could create a better society. More than 30 years have passed since then. Has it been possible to create a "better society" now?
I am sure that we have become a "better society" now.
(1) "The Current State of the Nuclear Power Industry, April 14, 2021, Japan Atomic Energy Industries Association" (in Japanese)
(2) Sales related to nuclear power: Survey of Industrial Trends Related to Nuclear Power Generation 2020 (Japan Nuclear Energy Industries Association) data
(3) Material from the Subcommittee on Nuclear Energy, Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, 2008