AiH(Artist in Here)/ 2023 / モニター、映像
そのような場所で、アーティストという肩書きはどんな意味を背負うのだろうか。夢のような理想や、飾り立てた狂気を演じるのではなく、ただ「ここにいるアーティスト(Artist in here)」を主張することにこそ意味があるのではないか。
ただ「ここにいるアーティスト(Artist in here)」を主張する。
AiH (Artist in Here)
Artist in here" / 2023 / TV monitor, video
Living in Katsurao Village, Fukushima Prefecture.Katsuraomura is a village located in Hama-dori, Fukushima Prefecture, where all residents were evacuated due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on March 11, 2011. On June 12, 2022, the evacuation order was lifted for the first time in some areas. It has been one year since I lived in this village.
Ten years have passed since the earthquake, and the effects of the disaster are still felt today. The village is located in a mountainous area. Compared to the areas by the sea, which were televised many times on TV, it has received less attention. What can art do in such an area? What attributes does the title "artist" carry? What kind of art is needed here and now, other than the dreamlike ideals and insanity?
I will continue to insist on "Artist in here.".